Congratulations to our Design Competition Winner
On Tuesday, June 25, 2019 the San Anselmo Town Council awarded the winning concept/team designation for the Reimagine Creek Park Design Contest to RHAA – Mill Valley.
After the four finalist teams made their presentations at the May 28, 2019 Town Council meeting, the Reimagine Creek Park Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made their recommendation to the Town Council for the winning team/design. With a majority vote the Town Council approved the recommendation, which winds-up the Reimagine Creek Park Design Contest. Congratulations to the winning team!
In addition to approving the winning team/concept of the Reimagine Creek Park Design Competition, the Town Council also authorized the Town Manager, pending successful private fundraising, to enter into a contract with the chosen firm for design services not to exceed $150,000. They also voted to direct the Town Manager to reconvene a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to help oversee the public process portion of the design development and conduct fundraising for the project.
Update March 2021: Fundraising dollars have been secured for the design costs. And on March 23, 2021 the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to sign an agreement with RHAA Landscape, Architecture and Planning (RHAA) for the Reimagine Creek Park Project. Next steps include community fundraising to cover construction costs, and a maintenance endowment for this project. The design process is now underway. There will be opportunities for the community to be involved in the process along the way.